Bud Newman was a hard-ass. A devoted family man, and a loving father, but a hard-ass none the less. He’d whip any crew into shape. No exceptions! Especially not for his son. Under his fathers guidance, Eric learned how to work, and how to work hard. He learned that there is no substitute for true craftsmanship, and that their work would stand the test of time, while other buildings around them crumbled.
With a history like that, you have to do good honest work. In this community, word gets around, and it gets around fast. We would not be standing here today if we didn’t put every ounce of pride into every project we do. The truth is, we would have gone out of business a long time ago. So please, if you are thinking about building that house, starting that project that’s been on your mind for ages, or need something fixed in an aging home, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We will do our very best to walk you through the process one step at a time, and make sure that finished product is something you, your friends, and family can enjoy for years to come.
Generations of Exceptional Craftsmanship
The man, the myth, the legend… Eric Newman is a 2nd generation Contractor. He would say he’s been pounding nails since he could walk. It shows too. He knows just about everything there is to know about building houses. He has had his contractors license since 1992. Before that he worked for his dad, Buddy Newman, who started his business in 1965.
Fast forward to today, and you’ve now got a 3rd generation contractor. Eric’s son, Jeremiah has been on jobsites since he was in diapers. Whether his task be fortify the dirt pile with plastic toy army men and mud bunkers, or pick up scraps and spent nails for $1 a day. Jeremiah’s a bit older now, with a lovely wife and two little kids of his own. He too learned what it means to work hard and honestly through his father.